Sheldon families,
Welcome to the New Year - 2025 is filled with new beginnings!
We’ve updated our Irish Nation Newsletter with important information including the 2nd Semester Schedule Change form, Spring musical information, January School Choice, Winter Weather information, and some Senior "stuff."
In the heart of winter cold and flu season, please be sure to report any absences or appointments first thing in the morning. This helps us make sure the Attendance office can enter the information right away and get the note to your student in class before it's time for dismissal. You’ll find the QR code and Attendance Reporting Form at the top of the newsletter for easy access.
And, as always, if your child is feeling unwell, please keep them home to rest and recover. You’ll also find helpful information from the ODE and our Sheldon nurse included in the newsletter.
Additionally, our 2024-25 A/B schedule, monthly advisory classes, and daily bells schedules have been added to the top of the newsletter for quick reference.
For more updates, be sure to follow the Instagram (@sheldonhighschool4j) and Facebook (Sheldon High School) accounts.
Have a wonderful weekend!